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Enter Your Address

To begin placing an order you must first click on Create Account in the right box  under "My Account" on the 2eatn Home page, or Call 1-580-248-2328 to place an order.

Once you have created an account, simply log-in under "My Account" using your email and password you created.  This will prompt you to begin to place an order.  You will then select a restaurant of your choice and will be promted with a drop down menu. On the left side of the restaurant menu page is a short cut to selected choices called headers.  Or you can select see entire menu.  Once you have selected the header of your choice you will be promted to select an entree in that header with a drop down menu.  Please select your choice and any other required fields.  Some fields may not be required such as choice of salad dressing, this selection is only required if you ordered a salad in some menus.  You will also have a choice of how many of this item.  It will always be at 1 order, so you may change it to your requested amount.  There is also 2 boxes that you can add a message Example: ( Alergic to tomatoes, please no tomatoes on my burger. etc.) The other box is if you are ordering for more then one peson you can type in the name that this order is going to.  This item belongs to ( ie: John, Mary).  After you have selected all your orders, before you click on see my order.  You can selects drinks on the bottom bar on the right side of the page under your order total. (would you like any drinks with this order)  By clicking this it will prompt you to the drink menu, just click on any drink to add to your order. When finished then click on see my order, this will advance you to the total ordering page. There you can see your entire cost and make adjustments like click on red X if you wish to delete any items.  Or click on go back to restaurant because you forget an item.  Most restaurants require a $15.00 minimum food item order to continue your order.  This does not include drinks.  You will be promted on the top of page how much more is needed to fullfill this order.  There is also a minimum 15% gratuity for the drivers. This is automatically added to your bill.  However there are 3 squares at the bottom of the page that you may click on to add more for the drivers or you may opt to type in a specific amount in the box provided.  These tips are part of the Drivers income and is well appreciated.  You will then be promted to the following page for payment and acceptance of your order.  You may use any of the 3 methods of payment.  Cash, Credit Cards/Debit Cards,  Gift Certificates.  Once the order is completed it will be automatically sent to our dispatch center and then forwarded to the restaurant via fax machine followed by a phone call to confirm receipt of fax order.  You will have 5 minutes to call after you have placed the order or if restaurant has not started order, to cancel   All cash orders will be verified by phone. You may also oder from differnt restaurants, this does come with an additional $4.95 delivery charge and you must order $15.00 minimum food items from any additional restaurants. (not including drinks)

We understand some restaurants get very busy (friday nights, paydays etc) so we ask that you please be patient with us during these times and we will get your order to you as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding your order at anytime please call us at 1-580-248-2328